Watch out for NCLEX-RN Competion on Khan Academy Online

How to Pass the NCLEX RN

Update: This competition is now officially over. Check the latest nursing updates

This site is about Health Licensing Exams around the world and we are now starting to cover Nursing-related news from all around the world. Today we would like to introduce you to one of the exciting competitions from Khan Academy for NCLEX-RN (wikipedia) Students and instructors.

While returning from the hospital on a hectic day I was thinking about the new standards and the way we are lagging at many things. Where we are not learning these new things and recent advancements in our field. We are not upgrading our knowledge as we should. As we know Necessity is the mother of invention many ideas come and go but some ideas are worth implementing. Pondering over such an idea to continue the education just like the Continuous Medication Education (CME) sessions we get. I realized there should be something similar about new trends beyond the usual class learning tempo and with fun as well.

Khan Academy is such an organization working online to provide free education with video sessions, and tutorials online. Subjects include Computers, Mathematics, and Science while their latest focus is now on Healthcare and Science. Khan Academy is currently running a competition for NCLEX-RN tutorial videos.

What about the NCLEX-RN competition?
One can make a video tutorial for online audiences about anything related to nursing subjects in a decent format following the guidelines and requirements. Video will be uploaded for the online audience where it will be judged based on compliance, comments and views.

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Subjects or topics you can focus on to teach such as Anaphylactic shock, Hypertension, Congestive heart failure, Stroke, Sickle cell anaemia, Iron-deficiency anaemia, Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis, Emphysema are some of them.

One of the major competitors is Leslie from the popular YouTube channel “Interactive Biology”. Well, we better listen to the CEO of Khan Academy as what he says about the competition online.

NCLEX-RN test prep

Complete guidelines can also be found on the Khan Academy Competition page where you can learn how to make a tutorial video, tips for making NCLEX-RN questions and rules for eligibility.

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