In order to represent its members’ interests when dealing with the government and other sectors of the economy, the organization was established in 1881.
The group includes all of the pharmacies in Norway.
Purpose of Norwegian Pharmacy Association – Apotekforeningen
The primary objectives of the Norwegian Pharmacy Association ( Apotekforeningen) are to guarantee that pharmacies possess:
The best possible political awareness and acceptance. The most effective position and framework for competing with other sales channels within the product and service categories in which the pharmacies have, or wish to have a commercial interest.
The Norwegian Pharmacy Association also conducts duties and executes operations on behalf of the industry as and when the group’s members deem it necessary. Such duties and responsibilities are ineligible for regions that the members have designated as arenas of competition.
In Norway, there is a total of 1032 pharmacies. Read our compiled full list of pharmacy stores in Norway.
(Number of pharmacies and inhabitants per pharmacy 2011-2021)
Key takeaways
Influenza vaccines can be prescribed by pharmacists in Norway.
The Norwegian Ministry of Health has granted pharmacists the authority to recommend flu shots. This autumn, pharmacies will be able to recommend and deliver the immunization.
More flu shots are anticipated in Norwegian pharmacies
The Norwegian government will soon allow pharmacists to distribute flu shots on their own, without a prescription from a doctor. Today, the required regulatory actions are taken. Once the COVID-19 vaccine is delivered, the necessary conditions will also be in place for mobilizing thousands of pharmacy personnel.
Membership of Norwegian Pharmacy Association – Apotekforeningen
- Anyone who has earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree in pharmacy that meets Norwegian criteria is eligible to join NFF.
- You can submit an application for membership as soon as you have received your Norwegian authorization.
- Students from outside Norway who are studying pharmacy there may apply for student membership.
Who can work in Norway as a Pharmacist?
You can read our complete guide about Pharmacist’s Norway Career Guide.